Remote Learning Hub

Remote learning set up:

During periods of remote learning, students will follow their normal school timetable and lesson structure. Lessons will be delivered remotely using a combination of live face to face online teaching and remote setting of work via platforms and apps regularly used within the Academy. Students are expected to engage fully with all live lessons and complete all tasks set remotely, records of student attendance to live lessons and engagement with home learning will be monitored regularly. For many subjects, the teaching will continue to follow the planned schemes of work and topics that would be covered if students were on-site learning in the classroom. For a limited number of subject areas (practical subjects), adaptions will be made to ensure learning can continue as closely aligned to the planned curriculum as is practical to do so.

Additional information and FAQ on our remote learning provision

To access additional information and FAQ on our remote learning provision, please click here.

Structure of the school day:

Please refer to the individual student timetable for an overview of which lessons are taught during each period/day.

Academy Day:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

8.20am arrival on academy site

8.30am – 9.35am Lesson 1

9.35am – 10.40am Lesson 2

10.40am – 10.55am Break

10.55am – 12.00pm Lesson 3

12.00pm – 12.30pm Lesson 4

12.30pm – 2.10pm Lesson 5 and flexi lunch

2.10pm – 3.15pm Lesson 6

3.15pm – 4.45pm clubs or end of the academy day

Friday only:

8.20am arrival on academy site

8.30am – 9.35am Lesson 1

9.35am – 10.40am Lesson 2

10.40am – 10.55am Break

10.55am – 12.00pm Lesson 3

12.00pm – 12.30pm Lesson 4

12.30pm – 2.10pm Lesson 5 & flexi lunch

Early finish - 2.10pm – 3.15pm clubs or end

of the academy day

ICT support contact:

If you require technical assistance with online learning, please contact the UKAT ICT Systems Team on

Subject specific queries:

For enquiries related specifically to a taught curriculum subject area, please contact the member of teaching staff responsible for that lesson, this can be done by emailing the member of staff using contact details provided on the Academy website. Please note: Staff are available during standard working hours (8:00am – 3:00pm, Mon-Friday) and due to live teaching commitments they may not be able to reply to any queries immediately.

Useful apps/links to additional remote learning resources:

The link below will take you to a bank of useful websites and applications that can be used to compliment the remote learning delivered by Academy staff.

To view please click here.

Safeguarding and remote learning conduct:

The link below will take you to our expectations for student conduct whilst participating in remote learning.

To view please click here.

Additional online e-safety guidance and support:

The link below will take you to additional information and external sites which contain advice and guidance on e-safety and staying safe online. Please use these resources and information to discuss staying safe with your child online.

To view please click here.

Contacting Pastoral staff during periods of remote learning:

Any students requiring support in a pastoral capacity during periods of remote learning can continue to contact the Pastoral Team using the Refer Now email address -

Online Learning

Please click here for our support guide for using One Drive.

Please click here for our support guide for using the Microsoft Word App.

Please click here for our support guide for accessing Microsoft Office 365.

Please click here for our support guide for accessing the iPad Mail App.

Please click here for our student guide to using Microsoft Teams.